
Hi there 👋. I'm so glad you're here.

My name is Shaina. I'm the founder and Lead Panda at Doodling Pandas Creative, but you'll also hear me respond to names like Mom, Panda, or any butchered variation of Shawyna written on a Starbucks mug.

I have loved creative expression my whole life, from fine arts and dance as a child, to writing, graphic design, and strategy in my adulthood. While I've always found myself most fulfilled when I'm in touch with the right-brain creative in me, my left-brain, analytical side has had an equally powerful hold of my decisions, allowing me to reside happiest at the intersection of art and business. 

And this, my friends, is where I believe the magic happens. Creative for creative's sake is amazing. But creative informed by strategy is my bread and butter (or shall we say bamboo?), and it's how I've been serving businesses in-house or with project-based consulting work for over 15 years.

For the last decade and a half, I've spent a lot of time in the company of overwhelmed business people who love their craft but find themselves exhausted by the marketing side of their businesses. These experiences catalyzed me to step into my passion of helping my fellow business hustlers unburden themselves of their branding and marketing stress. By outsourcing one of their most significant pain points, my customers have been able to get back to their passions by allowing me to do what I love best: using branding strategy and design to meet my clients' perfect customers in the right places.

If any of this is resonating with you, I would love to chat — on the phone, over video or at a local coffee shop. Contact us today to set up a time to link up. I look forward to meeting you.